lunes, 9 de abril de 2012


Days before the beginning of the Easter I still do not know what am going to do. Only some days before I knew I was going to Fátima, Portugal. 
There are several ways to live the Easter. First it is to be with the Pope, that is to say, to go to Rome. Also you can go to the cities of the south of Spain to contemplate the passages of Easter accompanying the Lord meditating with those images. But also you can especially accompany the Virgin Mary, and that is what I did going to Fátima did.
I hope that all you know it, but just in case I explain the history of Fátima briefly. In 1917 the Virgin appeared in the locality of Fátima, Portugal, to three shepherd kids. She requested sacrifices and orations to them by the conversion of the sinful ones, at the same time as she requested to them prayers for Russia (communist in those times).
There I have been this Easter, in Fátima. Accompanying to the Virgin in those hours of the passion in which he saw undergo his son and in that also She underwent. It is not the unique way, but with the Virgin the Easter is lived very well. And without a doubt She will know to compensate it to have accompanied during these days.

Semana Santa

Días antes del comienzo de la Semana Santa no sabía todavía lo que iba a hacer. Tan solo unos días antes supe ya que iba a ir a Fátima, Portugal.
Hay varias maneras de vivir la Semana Santa. La primera es estar con el Papa, es decir, ir a Roma. También puedes ir a las ciudades del sur de España a contemplar los pasos de Semana Santa y acompañar al Señor meditando con esas imágenes. Pero también puedes acompañar especialmente a la Virgen María, y eso es lo que hice yo al ir a Fátima.
Espero que todos lo sepáis, pero por si acaso explico la historia de Fátima brevemente. En 1917 la Virgen se apareció en la localidad de Fátima, Portugal, a unos pastorcillos. Ella les pidió sacrificios y oraciones por la conversión de los pecadores, a la vez que les pidió que rezasen por Rusia (en aquellos momentos comunista).
Ahí he estado yo esta Semana Santa, en Fátima. Acompañando a la Virgen en esas horas de la pasión en las que vio sufrir a su hijo y en las que sufrió Ella misma. No es la única manera, pero con la Virgen se vive muy bien la Semana Santa. Y sin duda Ella sabrá recompensar el haberla acompañado durante estos días. 

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

General strike

Poster announcing the
general strike of the 29 of March
The main Spanish unions (U.G.T and C.C.O.O.) summoned some ago weeks a general strike for him day of today. The truth is that the circumstance makes me laugh: we want to go out the crisis and to create job but we dedicated ourselves to summon strikes. For a case as this I would prefer a strike like Japanese strikes: to produce without stopping until overwhelming the stock. But thus it is Spain, and to thus it goes us. If I were a union leader would work day and night to agree with the government and to be able to create job. That pain that many others do not think like I. To all this, the truth is that still I have not found out don't mention it referring to strike. In fact in my university nor one has noticed. We were all working to try to remove this country ahead while others took a walk by the streets protesting something to which not even they try to provide solution. Because this it is another subject. People complaint do not set out anything much but soon to solve that one than complaint. That it is going away to do. I, as for me, am going to continue trying to make of Spain an exemplary country that can feel to me proud.
Image of last general strike

Huelga general

Cartel anunciando la
huelga general del 29 de marzo
Los principales sindicatos españoles (U.G.T. y C.C.O.O.) convocaron hace unas semanas una huelga general para le día de hoy. La verdad es que la circunstancia me hace bastante gracia: queremos salir de la crisis y crear empleo pero nos dedicamos a convocar huelgas. Para un caso como este preferiría una huelga a la japonesa: producir sin parar hasta colmar los almacenes de stock. Pero así es España, y así nos va. Si yo fuese un líder sindical trabajaría día y noche para pactar con el gobierno y conseguir crear empleo. Que pena que muchos otros no piensen como yo.
Imagen de la última huelga general
A todo esto, la verdad es que todavía no me he enterado de nada referente a la huelga. De hecho en mi universidad ni se ha notado. Estábamos todos trabajando para tratar de sacar este país adelante mientras otros se paseaban por las calles reclamando algo a lo que ni siquiera pretenden dar solución. Porque este es otro tema. La gente se queja mucho pero luego no propone nada para solucionar aquello de lo que se queja. Que se la va a hacer. Yo, por mi parte, voy a seguir intentando hacer de España un país ejemplar del que pueda estar orgulloso.

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Regional culture

Last February 19 was my saint. Well, relatively, because still there is no Saint Álvaro. Only blessed Álvaro of Cordova. The case is that, due to this I thought about the culture in general. I was saying to myself that always we have spoken about the different cultures of the different countries. But with this of the saint I saw that the thing was starting changing. I am from Barcelona, and there always the saint is celebrated besides the birthday. But nowadays I am studying in Pamplona and in this region the saint is not celebrated. And a friend of Granada said to me that there the saint is not celebrated either, but another friend of Madrid said to me that in his city is celebrated. These comments were those that produced my thoughts of the culture. I explain. I believe that every time the cultural circles are diminishing and that in the same country there will be several or many cultures.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Cultura regional

El pasado 19 de febrero fue mi santo. Bueno, relativamente, porque todavía no hay ningún San Álvaro. Tan solo Beato Álvaro de Córdoba. El caso es que, debido a esto pensé en la cultura en general. Me decía a mi mismo que siempre hemos hablado de las diferentes culturas de los diferentes países. Pero con esto del santo vi que la cosa empezaba a cambiar. Yo soy de Barcelona, y allí siempre se celebra el santo además del cumpleaños. Pero actualmente estoy estudiando en Pamplona y en esta región no se celebra el santo. Y un amigo mío de Granada me dijo que allí tampoco se celebra el santo, pero otro amigo de Madrid me dijo que en su ciudad si que se celebra. Estos comentarios fueron los que me produjeron mis pensamientos de la cultura. Me explico. Que creo que cada vez los círculos culturales se van reduciendo y al final en un mismo país habrá varias o muchas culturas.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

What wants the press

"Valencian spring"
With all that of the " Valencian spring " I was thinking again in the press (I say again because also I mentioned it with Garzón). Certainly that the ordinary citizen has found out very well about the topic thanks to the exhaustive follow-up that the journalists have dedicated to this event. And not only it, but after the principal acts they still speak about the topic. But when the protests treat of another topic, the news does not cover with so many efficiency. I was thinking concretely about that already distant manifestation in opposition to the law of the abortion. I think that this demonstrates that the press moves for two motives: the first one is obvious, since it is a question of following the ideology of the respective medias, and the second one treats more of the manipulation that every way of communication wants to give to the information according to his personal interests.
In the current " Valencian spring " it is possible to say that, compared with the manifestation in opposition to the abortion, they were less persons. But for some motive it is more interesting to cover well this information before that one in which there take part million persons and of the whole country.
Manifestation in Madrid some years ago in opposition
to the law of the abortion
In my opinion, a new sample of which a real reform would be very welcome in the media.